How do I complete my template setup?

Here's how you can pick and choose your custom templates to be developed

When you first get started with tribetactics, the first thing you need to do is setup your templates. These templates will constitute the look and feel of all the content that gets generated after the fact, which we then "plug in" to these templates you like. It also makes it easy for you to get content that is on-brand and easy to approve every time.

You can access our templates here. We will continually add more templates for you to pick and choose from. Once you have found a template style that you like:

  1. Log into your dashboard and navigate to New Project
  2. Click on Standard Template Creation
  3. Complete all required fields.
  4. Hit review and submit.

Here's a video on how to do just that.

You can customize:

  • All colours
  • All fonts and font sizes

Want to use a custom template that you developed? Simply email or notify us during the kickoff call so we can take a look.